Looking for a way to enhance your classroom discussions?
Our presentations cover optimum health, the risk of sexual transmitted infections and diseases while helping students build real-life skills for personal strength, value and identity.
All presentations can be catered to fit classroom structure, length and availability
Middle School Presentation
Our middle school presentation is designed to be given over three consecutive class periods. The seventh grade presentation focuses on goal setting, character, influences on teens, STD's, setting boundaries and much more. The eighth grade presentation builds on that foundation and also covers identity, love languages, communication skills, discerning good influences from bad, and relationship goals.
Exciting and fun activities as well as illustrations are used to keep students engaged while learning about these essential life skills. Students will be entertained and inspired to make the best choices for themselves and for their futures.
High School Presentation
Our high school presentation is for one class period only and is best implemented in ninth grade health.
The presentation is designed to build on the middle school curriculum and also delve into topics that most teens begin to encounter in high school. These include financial benefits to waiting to have sex, negative consequences of pornography, marriage verses cohabitation and much more.
We have found that after building a relationship with the students in middle school, we can delve into deeper subjects with them, and have open and honest conversations about normally awkward topics.